How do I get my bond back?
When your tenancy ends a Refund of Rental Bond (Form 4) needs to be completed and lodged with the Residential Tenancy Authority (RTA). A Refund of Rental Bond form can be completed, signed and lodged with the RTA by either the tenant, lessor or agent (with or without each other’s signatures). This form can be posted to the RTA or uploaded online.
The Form 4 can be lodged the day after the end date on the Notice to Leave or the Notice of Intention to Leave but not before. When you sign a Refund of Rental Bond form make sure the amount for the bond refund is competed, never sign a blank or incomplete form.
If you and your real estate agent (or lessor) agree how the bond is to be refunded, everyone signs a Refund of Rental Bond form, (an agreed bond return) and it is lodged with the RTA. As long as the names and signatures on the form are held with the RTA, they disperse the bond monies quickly by depositing into the nominated account/s.
If there is a dispute over the bond either party, tenant or Lessor/Agent can claim the bond by lodging a Form 4 with the RTA with only their signature on it, this is a disputed bond claim.
A disputed bond claim occurs when the tenant/s and agent (or lessor) don’t agree on how the bond should be refunded. The RTA can process a disputed bond refund claim but will hold the bond monies (or the amount disputed) until the dispute is resolved. The RTA will act on the first claim form they receive and will send a Notice of Claim to any other parties who are recorded as contributors to the bond. If you receive a Notice of Claim for your bond, you have 14 days to send a Form 16 Dispute Resolution Request back to the RTA. The RTA will then assist with a Conciliation Process in an attempt to help the parties resolve the dispute and come to an agreement on how the bond is to be refunded.
For more information see our factsheet.