Feedback & Complaints

Statewide advice number

1300 744 263

Feedback and Compliments

Tenants Queensland invites you to contact us with your general feedback or compliments on our QSTARS service and website.  Please email to:  [email protected] and include FEEDBACK AND COMPLIMENTS in the subject line.  You may also mail to our address: Level 1, 87 Wickham Terrace SPRING HILL  QLD  4000


If you wish to make a complaint against your Lessor or Real Estate Agent click this link to our Tenancy Advice Page 

QSTARS Complaints Policy

The Tenants Queensland (QSTARS) Complaint policy ensures that clients have open access to a process that allows clients to make complaints about the organisation as a whole, individuals within it and/or services provided by Tenants Queensland.

Tenants Queensland (QSTARS) clients are encouraged to make complaints about any aspect of the service with which they are dissatisfied. All client complaints are taken seriously and thoroughly considered.

Complaints should be in writing preferably using TQ’s COMPLAINT FORM.

If help is needed to fill out the form please call TQ on 38329447.

Clients may request an advocate to make a complaint to TQ on their behalf.

TQ will organise interpreter assistance to make a complaint if required and requested.

  • All QSTARS complaints will be managed in accordance with the approved TQ complaints procedure
  • A complaint will not be investigated or managed by the person about whom the complaint is being made.
  • TQ will endeavour to resolve complaints to all parties’ satisfaction within one month of lodgement.
  • The complainant will be advised promptly of TQ’s complaints process and expected timelines.

A full copy of Tenants Queensland’s Complaint Policy is available here.